handrace - Explore the world with tracks and roads


It is always fun to watch the videos. For example, how people play HANDRACE. How the tracks are created and drawn. What events and activities we make. How HANDRACE develops motorics. We will publish here interviews of grown ups and children, pediatricians and teachers. Videos and instructions of how to handle the obstacles. From all over the world.

All these videos are in our collection. If you have a video you would like to share with us, just send us an email!


Creation of tracks is a complete process! Check out how the track Guoliang Tunnel is created! And try to race it with your hand!
Дети играют в HANDRACE, улучшая моторику, а Взрослые Дети - на Дне Рождении. И все узнают что-то новое!
Гонки эстафетой в школе по трем рекам на плакатах - Ганг, Нева и Меконг прямо на стенах, а потом был тест на знания.
Девчонки пробовали свои силы, старательно обводя все препятствия. Лучшие получили дипломы и призы!
Two twins 6 years old, Matias and Lauri, play HANDRACE in Finland.Really strive and take it serious! :)
Twins from Finland, Matias and Lauri, continue to challenge tracks and develop their motorics.There is some thing interesting you can notice there ;)

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All tracks for kids and grown kids